Google The Super Robot
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            In their planet it was customary for royalties to marry girls from earth because ladies on earth was far more beautiful than the ladies in their own planet. They were five brothers and all had gone to earth and had taken beautiful girls with them and married, finally it was the turn of the youngest prince to go to earth and find a beautiful lady he could marry. Upon reaching earth he hid in the 
clouds and was undetected by military radars. He searched and searched from inside the spaceship and finally he saw the most beautiful lady far more beautiful than any lady in their planet and far more beautiful than the ladies his four brothers had taken back home. It was already turning dark at that time so he decided to fly down near the house of the lady that had caught his eyes and his heart. He landed near her house, went down and looked closer at the house of the lady he wanted to be his wife. After some time, he went back inside and prepared,  he took a bath, a shower inside the spaceship. While he was showering he was already thinking what he was going to say to her the moment they see each other face to face. Smiling at what he had thought, he continued showering until he heard someone from outside the spaceship. He hurried taking a bath, changed clothes, and looked through the window. He saw the lady, he went to earth for. He saw the lady he wanted to marry. He saw her looking up at his spaceship, unafraid and curious. He smiled 
looking at Margarita, a beautiful American woman. Franco opened the door of his spaceship. He then went to the door and went through the door. She saw him. She looked at him for a moment and asked, "Are you an alien?" Franco paused for a moment and replied, "Yes, yes I'm an alien. I'm an alien here on your planet." Franco paused once again and continued, "I came here for you. I know this is quick but this is the way we are, and I have little time. I came here to see you and to ask you to come marry me." "Huh," the lady just said. "Yes, I came here to marry you, but only after you fall in love with me." "Hmm..." the beautiful lady just said looking at him. "Would you like to fly with me to our planet. You see your own kind might see me and take me  as an specimen in their science laboratories, I mean capture me," he teased slightly. "They probably would, I think," she replied. "Like I said would you like to go with me to my planet. I'll treat you with all the respect a beautiful lady like you deserve. She couldn't really explain it but the way he was talking to her made her so comfortable and at ease with him. She paused for a moment and asked, "Can I go back home anytime I want...." "Yes, of course," he replied and smiled at her. Franco looked at her for a moment, approached and when he was near her, he held her hand. She looked up at him. "Shall we," Franco just said. And when she smiled at him, he started walking her to his spaceship. The two traveled together inside the silver spaceship going back to his planet. They talked about each other and about the place they lived, about each others' planet. Like Franco said, he treated her with all the respect she truly deserved. She fall in love with him. Day and night they traveled together and Franco made sure that she could feel how much he loved her and Margarita did the same. When they were already near their planet, Franco formally asked her to marry him. And when she didn't reply, he held her by her waist and held her tight. "Will you marry me..." softly he asked. "Yes, I will marry you Franco." Finally they reached his planet. In a grand ceremony, Margarita was welcomed in his planet. She was the most beautiful lady the citizens of their planet had ever seen. Franco then took her to their palace. "Have you already asked her to marry you Franco?" his brothers asked. "Yes, I already did," Franco answered holding her hand by his side. "And she said yes," he ended. As in love as they were, Margarita spent only a month in their with Franco and his family in their planet and they were married to each other. And just like his older brothers, Franco was given his own palace for him and Margarita. Together, Franco and Margarita lived happily in their palace. After a year, their child was born. He was handsome, as handsome as his father. Everyone in the palace and all the citizens of their planet loved and adored Duncan. They followed him, all wanting to see handsome young prince, everywhere he go together with his mother and father, Franco and Margarita. Franco, Margarita, and Duncan was truly happy in the planet Minerva. They were happy until their planet was invaded. They were attacked by soldiers from five planets. The soldiers of the planet Minerva were strong, but their enemies were too many. By their great number their planet was out powered. His brothers and his brothers wives were already captured together with their children. Fearing for the life of his wife and son Duncan, Franco had no choice but to send them back to Earth. Margarita refused she wanted to be with Franco. She loved him too much to leave him. But Franco was adamant. With a trusted soldier he sent them back to Earth. Crying little Duncan bid good bye to his father, "Will I see you again, father..." He held his hair gently. "Yes you will see me again, son." He then hugged Margarita and bid her good bye, and hoped that they will see each other again. Margarita and Duncan traveled back to earth. They traveled the same path when Margarita and Franco first came to planet Minerva. She remembered the time when Franco proposed to her and asked her to marry him and she remembered how happy he was when she said yes to him. Finally, they reached Earth. "Please take good care of my father," Duncan told the soldier. "I will Duncan, the prince is so good to the citizens of our planet, we will fight with him and defeat our enemies." Duncan gave the spaceship that took them to Earth one last look, he then looked to his mother on his side. "We will see your father again, son." Duncan toughened himself and smiled at her mother. Margarita took Duncan home. And from that day, Duncan lived the way humans lived. He ate the foods humans ate and talked the way humans talked. Without his father Duncan tried to live a normal life. He went to school. He studied hard and was good at it. Duncan tried to make her mother happy by being good, he knew deep in her she missed his father. They would look up and waited for a spaceship from their planet to arrive, hoping that they would be able to talk to him. Years passed and Duncan grew up. He remembered everything his father taught him and told him. He knew just like his father and the soldiers of their planet, he could transform. And he knew at twenty-one his body would be ready to fly and to transform himself, to transform into a robot..............Flying above the sky, Duncan shouted, "Duncan!"...................

           He flew rapidly upwards, stalled and stopped. The ten winged manananggal released their silver laser lights from the middle and upper part of their chests towards him. He moved fast. Duncan was able to escape and avoid their attacks. He then reached for his back. His bow appeared. He brought it in front of him, holding it with his left hand. He reached for his back once again. The arrow of the bow appeared. It was green laser tipped. The ten manananggal continued releasing their silver laser lights towards the human looking Duncan. Swiftly, he flew higher and avoided their attacks. He then aimed and pulled the arrow backwards. Duncan released the arrow. Rapidly the arrow went shooting towards one of the manananggal attacking him. She was hit in the chest. She grimaced in pain, turned orange and exploded. The other manananggal continued releasing their laser lights towards Duncan. But still Duncan moved swiftly avoiding their laser lights. When the first arrow was released, another arrow magically replaced it. Duncan then turned his upper body, aiming at the other manananggal attacking him. He released it. And just like the first, it rapidly went forward and hit a manananggal. Similar to what happened earlier, another arrow replaced the arrow that was released. Duncan continued turning his upper body, aiming one by one at the remaining mananananggal. And one by one all the remaining eight manananggal were hit. They screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded. Suddenly, five mananggals appeared. They were flying and were nearing him rapidly. Rapidly, he prepared to hit. Five green laser tipped arrows appeared. Rapidly, he released. The five arrows went towards the five manananggal. They were all hit. All together they screamed in pain, all together they turned orange, and all together they exploded. Duncan killed all the mananangal with his powerful weapon. Pleased he then reached for his back, returning it. The bow and arrow disappeared. He noticed that the crowd looking up at him had gone thicker, clapping and cheering at him. He nodded at them, he then moved upwards and flew away…………………………………………… Duncan saw the fierce manananggal flying towards him above the sky. She quickly fired laser light on him. Swifly, he moved upwards and avoided her attack. Standing in the air, with his right hand, he reached on the side of his hips. A sharp Frisbee appeared; he held it and threw it. The bright orange sharp Frisbee went flying towards the manananggal attacking him. The manananggal was hit in the body. She grimaced in pain, turned orange,  and exploded. In just a short time three more manananggal arrived and attacked him above the sky. Once again, his right reached for his left hips. The bright orange sharp Frisbee appeared. He threw it. It went flying towards the manananggal who was attacking him with her laser light in the middle and upper part of her chest. The manananggal was hit. She grimaced in pain, turned orange, and exploded. He prepared to throw again; he brought his right hand backwards in front of him. Another bright orange sharp Frisbee appeared. He threw and released it. It went towards the second manananggal. The manananggal grimaced in pain, turned orange and exploded. Swiftly, he prepared to throw again. Another bright orange sharp Frisbee appeared in his hand. He aimed and threw. Like the first two, the Frisbee went towards the third manananggal. The manananggal was hit. And just like the first two, she grimaced in pain, turned orange and exploded……. When he turned around, he saw two manananggal rapidly approaching him above the sky. Swiftly he reached for his sides, the right hand on the left hips and the left hand on the right hips. Two orange Frisbees appeared. Quickly, he threw the two Frisbees towards the two manananggal. The two manananggal were hit in the body. Together, they screamed, turned orange and together exploded………… Flying above the forest, he saw six manananggals. They fired their laser lights on him. Swiftly he escaped and avoided their attacks. He reached for his sides. The right hand reached on his right hip and the left hand on his left hip. Two knives metal handled and slightly smoking silver laser bladed knives appeared. He held it and threw it towards the first two. The first two manananggal were hit. They grimaced in pain, turned orange, and exploded. Swiftly, he prepared to throw again, another two metal handled and laser bladed knives appeared. Just like the first he aimed and threw. The second two manananggal were hit. They screamed, turned orange, and exploded. Once again, he prepared to throw. Two knives appeared in his hands. He aimed and threw. The two knives went flying towards the last two manananggal. They were hit in their bodies. They screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded……………………………… Flying above the sky, he shouted his name, “Duncan!” Duncan transformed and grew taller than the mountains Duncan’s feet going up to his knees started turning into silver metal, and slowly the metal started transforming into a robot. He was turning into a metal from his feet going up to his head and the part of his body that turned into metal transformed into a robot. He continued transforming until he became a robot with a head, two arms, and two legs ………………….. The enemy robot fired laser light on him. He moved and escaped. The enemy robot fired laser light on him once again. It continued firing its powerful laser lights, attacking him until he was hit in the body. Duncan was hurt. He looked at the robot for a moment, the robot Duncan then raised his chest. His laser light appeared from the middle and upper part of his chest. It moved and headed towards the enemy robot. The enemy robot was hit. The robot smoked, flamed, and exploded. The other two robots fired laser lights on him. Duncan was not hit, he escaped all their attacks. He aimed and released his laser lights towards them, turning slightly above the sky. The two enemy robots were hit. They too smoked, flamed, and exploded. The spaceship carrying the enemy robots fired laser lights on him. But Duncan was not hit. The spaceship fired and fired laser lights towards him but still Duncan was not hit. He escaped all its attacks. The spaceship moved and turned and tried to escape. The spaceship flew away from him above the sky. Duncan looked at the fleeing alien spaceship. He then opened his palms fast and strong on his sides. A rocket went shooting from the middle and upper part of his chest. The rocket chased the fleeing spaceship. And in just a second the alien spaceship was hit. Instantly the spaceship smoked, flamed, and exploded. Duncan, the powerful robot won the battle. He defeated the enemies that attacked his city…………………. Above the sky he shouted his name once again, “Duncan!”  His robot head turned back to metal. The metal turned back to flesh, restoring his face. He continued transforming down to his body and down to his feet. Duncan then returned to his normal appearance. Looking like a human being he flew down do his car. When he landed he got in and drove ……………..

         Duncan flying above the sky saw a manananggal. Rapidly, she moved towards him. He reached to his side. A sling appeared. He prepared to attack. A stone appeared. He moved. The stone headed towards the enemy. The enemy was hit. She screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded. Another five manananggals came. He prepared. Another stone appeared. He moved. The stone headed towards the enemy. The second manananggal screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded. One by one he prepared to hit all the other four manananggals and every time, another stone appeared. One by one the stone headed to the remaining manananggals. One by one they were hit. One by one they all screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded. Duncan won the battle; he then reached for his side, the sling  disappeared……………

          The human looking Duncan was flying above the sea when suddenly a gigantic octopus appeared. Immediately, the giant octopus reached for him. His tentacles moved toward Duncan. Duncan was caught on his hips. Immediately, he tried to fly away but he couldn’t. He struggled and struggled hard but still he couldn’t free himself. Duncan then reached for his back. A silver sword appeared. He held it with his two hands in front of him. He tightened his grip on the handle. The blade of the sword turned into an orange laser. He then moved and struck the gigantic octopus. He was hit. The tentacle of the gigantic octopus was cut off. Another tentacle moved towards his direction. Duncan did not waste any time, he struck once again. The gigantic octopus was hit for the second time. His second tentacle was cut off. Grimacing in pain, the gigantic octopus submerged back into the water and swam away. Duncan then reached for his back, the sword then disappeared. Smiling slightly, Duncan flew back to the sky……………. The human looking Duncan was flying above the sky when suddenly a winged manananggal appeared. Immediately, the winged manananggal flew towards him. She immediately released her long tongue. Duncan was caught on his hips. While he was struggling, trying to free himself from the long and strong tongue of the manananggal, Duncan saw another two manananggal rapidly approaching them. Duncan then reached for his back. A silver sword appeared. He held it with his two hands in front of him. He tightened his grip on the handle. The blade of the sword turned into laser. He then moved and struck the winged manananggal. Her long tongue was hit. Her tongue was cut off. He then moved and flew towards her. Duncan struck. The manananggal was hit in the body. She grimaced in pain, turned orange, and exploded. Rapidly, the other two manananggals with laser fangs and claws continued flying towards him, both wanting to attack him. Duncan’s other hand then reached for his back. Another silver sword appeared. He held it in front of him and tightened his grip. The blade of the second sword turned into laser. Duncan then prepared. The two manananggal got near him, above him. Duncan then rapidly crossed his arms. The two manananggals were both hit in the body. The manananggal on the left side above him was hit by the sword on his right hand.  The manananggal on the right side above him was hit by the second sword on his left hand. The two manananggal grimaced in pain, turned orange, and exploded. Duncan won and beat the two winged manananggal. He then reached for his back. The two swords then disappeared……………… The silver robot looking Duncan was flying above the sea when suddenly a gigantic manananggal appeared. She flew and stalled in front of him. Duncan then reached for his back. The silver sword appeared. He brought it in front of him and held it with his two robot hands. The gigantic winged manananggal released her laser light in the middle and upper part of her chest. Duncan tightened his grip on the handle of his silver sword. The blade of the sword turned into laser. He then moved and met the approaching laser from the manananggal. The laser blade of the sword was hit but not the robot Duncan. The laser blade of the sword protected him. Duncan then flew rapidly towards the gigantic and winged manananggal. Duncan struck. The gigantic manananggal was hit in the body. She grimaced in pain, turned orange, and exploded.............................

          He saw something on the ground, Duncan dived down from the sky. He reached for his side. The ax appeared. It was laser bladed, orange. Near the ground, he struck the manananggal that was about to grab a beautiful young lady. The manananggal was hit. She grimaced in pain, turned orange, and exploded. On the way up, another two manananggal went towards him. He reached for his other side. Another laser bladed ax appeared on the left. He flew up and met them. He struck the manananggals. They were both hit. They screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded. Still in the sky, Duncan then reached for his sides. The two laser bladed ax disappeared………….

              Duncan saw a beautiful lady. She was so beautiful, he suddenly remembered the story how his mother and father first met. He suddenly felt he wanted to take her home to his home planet and marry her. He introduced himself, "I'm Duncan," he said. That will do he thought, he then walked towards her and when he got near her, he introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Duncan," he introduced himself for real. The beautiful lady looked up at the handsome Duncan for a moment and smiled. "I'm Rhianna," like a real lady, she introduced herself to him.